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Pros and Cons of Flutter App Development- Explained

With the increase in demand for mobile apps, business owners have an opportunity to use a dedicated app to boost brand visibility and increase a larger customer base. The mobile app development services have become accessible to all not just for big brands but also for startups. However, it is important to note that a huge number of apps still fail. One of the main reasons behind that is using the wrong technology or a development framework. Flutter is a cross-platform app development approach that enables brands to build robust mobile apps in a shorter time. In this article, we will learn about Flutter and the pros and cons of using it for app development. What makes Flutter a Good Choice for Mobile App Development? - Single Codebase As Flutter follows a write-once approach, developers don’t need to write multiple codes for several platforms thereby leading to lower efforts with improved app quality. - Easy Coding One code used in Flutter helps to simplify the app development proces

How Does A Loyalty Program Work For Banking Sector?

Today, loyalty programs are an essential tool for bankers to advertise their goods and services. Banks are utilizing loyalty products to maintain long-term relationships and attract new customers. All the bankers today are digitally aware, able to swiftly and easily evaluate solutions and products, and are frequently motivated by cost reductions. 

According to a CGI survey, 81 percent of bankers anticipate rewards through loyalty programs or signup bonuses. As a consequence,a bank reward program is an essential marketing tool for banks, and everyone should take advantage of them. 

What is a Bank Loyalty Program? 

Bank loyalty programs are client retention techniques used by banks and insurance firms to enhance brand engagement and repurchase intentions. They are distinguished by several distinguishing attributes that define them besides other, more standard incentive systems. 

Bank rewards programs are frequently used to advertise products, educate customers on current promotions, and expand the online presence of the brand. These advertisements are very lucrative and attract new customers. And, also helps in retaining the current customers. 

This loyalty for bank plays an important role for the banks. There are several banks that depend upon their offers that travel through word of mouth and internet presence. 

Benefits of a  Bank Loyalty Program 

Banks have to face numerous challenges when it comes to advertisements and customer retention. This causes a lot of problems, in the revenue collection of the bank. However, with the help of the Bank Loyalty Program, these problems can be avoided. Therefore, let us see some of the benefits of these programs. 

  • Creating a Powerful Digital Presence 

With rival banks already establishing a strong influence on the online platform, banks have difficulty keeping up with the latest transformations trends in order to avoid falling behind. These Loyalty for bank attracts the customers by giving them discounts or promotional offers. Therefore, customers that are looking to earn better profits and interest involve themselves with such programs.

  • Implementing a Powerful Customer Retention Tool/Plan 

For banks to keep their customers engaged, a customer retention tool/plan with the capability of rewarding online client engagements is fundamentally necessary. Banking clients are readily persuaded by more tempting offers from competitors if the incumbent bank is unable to deliver them through its services. 
  •  Creating Relevant Loyalty Plans to attract customers

Banking clients want relevance, and if it is lacking in the bank's loyalty program, they will eventually lose interest. Banks and financial service providers face a significant challenge in retaining relevance while also delivering considerable value to potential clients via their rewards programs. Every customer will be attracted to the loyalty programs if they are attracted to it. Therefore, when the loyalty programs are relevant, they create an everlasting impression on the minds of the customers. 


Bank Loyalty programs help several banks to promote themselves and make the customers aware of the services they provide. They help in attracting customers as well as building their brand presence. Therefore, bank loyalty programs are the new trend to attract new customers and keep the old ones retained.
